1 thought on “A lively discussion on Amazon”

  1. I’m a molecular biologist by training but started yoga 2 years ago after deciding to leave my med school position and focus on raising my kids. Your anatomy book was the very first book I bought on Amazon! and I refer to it often. I also reviewed Broad’s book (mine is the review under yours) although, as a newbie, I didn’t pick up on many of the business and regulation issues that you’ve been discussing. I had sort of hoped for more on the links between the vagus nerve and emotional regulation and the science of some of the personal/emotional relief that I’ve enjoyed from my yoga practice (e.g. the way the vagus winds its way up through the body like the fabled Kundalini serpent etc.) … but, oh well, it was a fun read anyway. Just wanted to say that I’m always reading and enjoying your blog and video chat and sending you my gratitude and best wishes for all your future teaching and projects. -john fossella

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