Yoga Therapy Summit, part two

Yoga Therapy Summit's full panel: (standing) Larry Payne, event keynote John Kepner, Leslie Kaminoff; (seated) Kate Holcombe, Gary Kraftsow, Richard Miller, Sonia Nelson

A few weeks ago I wrote about a wonderful event where I was presenting a weekend workshop on The Knot of Brahma – Emotional Suppression as the Source of Common Pain Syndromes in Rapid City, SD.

The Yoga Therapy Summit was hosted by Surya Chandra Yoga Sanga and lovingly organized by JJ Gormley-Etchells and her great team. It provided a wonderful, intimate opportunity for some of T.K.V. Desikachar’s senior teachers to gather in one place, share memories, stories and teachings from the Krishnamacharya lineage.

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You can learn more about my fellow presenters at their sites:

For more photos view the rest here (you can check out our visit to Utah, too).

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