Yoga Therapy Summit in the Black Hills of South Dakota – Sept. 13-15

YT Summit
I am very excited and honored to be presenting alongside my esteemed colleagues and fellow students of the Krishnamacharya/Desikachar lineage at this unprecedented event.
I hope you can join us for this one-of-a-kind experience in this beautiful setting.
Check out the Facebook page.

For the occasion, I’ve created a brand-new presentation entitled: The Knot of Brahma – Emotional Suppression as the Source of Common Pain Syndromes.

Here is the description of the topic:
The ancient model of prana/apana samayogah as a definition of pranayama offers a simple, yet powerful model for how we can uncover and resolve the internal obstructions that result from a lifetime of managing our emotional “spaces.”
These ideas are especially important for Yoga Educators because there is mounting evidence that the most common pain syndromes suffered by vast numbers of people have their origins in the mind-body/psyche-soma mechanisms of emotional suppression.
In this wide-ranging lecture/demo, Leslie Kaminoff will review some of the latest research that supports this view, and he will relate it to the uniquely integrated teachings of breath-centered yoga practice within the tradition of T. Krishnamacharya.
For educators dedicated to working more deeply and effectively, these insights will be invaluable in the pursuit of reducing the “bad space” of dukha and increasing the “good space” of sukha.

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