On the road, 2015: Immersive Training in Personalized Yoga

UPDATE: Our Southern California workshop had to be postponed but will be rescheduled as soon as possible. Please contact You & the Mat for more information.

This fall I am embarking on an exciting teaching tour of four-day immersions. I really like this format because it’s inspired by the method of personalized teaching I received from my teacher, TKV Desikachar. Day-by-day, starting with conceptual basics, we’ll build on daily embodied practice, moving to observation with partners, clinical observation of client work, and methods of individualizing practice and teaching methodology.

Together, we will create an immersive experience, in an intimate space, with plenty of time to rest, settle and integrate the material.

I’ll be teaching a similar format, focusing on slightly different topics, in Southern California (You and the Mat, Laguna Niguel, CA), Honolulu (Silk Bridge, Oahu, HI) and Vienna (Yoga Zentrum, Vienna, Austria).

I hope to see you at one of these.

Kaminoff on the road, again… Immersive Training in Personalized Yoga: Aug 28-31 You & the Mat, Laguna Niguel, CA; Sept 5-8, Silk Bridge, Honolulu, HI; Oct 1-4 Yoga Zentrum, Vienna, Austria

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