In Memoriam: B.K.S. Iyengar 1918-2014

Guruji_nov2012Word has just come via a Facebook post from Judith Lasater that Bellur Krishnamachar Sundaraj Iyengar has passed away at the age of 96.

So much could be said about his immeasurable contribution to Yoga that I prefer to let you all comment with your remembrances.

For myself, I can say that my teacher Desikachar always spoke of him with great respect, and seemed proud to call him uncle.

With Iyengar’s passing today,  Pattabhi Joiis’s in 2009, and Desikachar’s incapacity, that leaves precious few direct inheritors of T. Krishnamacharya’s lineage still teaching today.

Fortunately, there are literally thousands of us who are lucky enough to be the next generation of teachers tasked with carrying on the vital work of spreading the precious teachings that flow from this deep, rich wellspring.

Please feel free to post your thoughts below.

10 thoughts on “In Memoriam: B.K.S. Iyengar 1918-2014”

  1. I have seen this reported but no source. Times of India currently reporting that his condition worsened Tuesday but nothing more yet. This seems inevitable but don’t we want to be sure? Namaste.

  2. Krista Katrovas

    During these times, I think of lines from, “Funeral Blues,” by W.H.Auden because his teachings of yoga and way in this world was to and for so many, “My North, My South, My East, My West, My working week, my Sunday rest…,” I got to meet Desikachar in Chennai at KYM, and almost met Iyengar. I feel I have through my teacher, who was his student. Guru Iyengarji your work, life’s journey, remains like a warm fire in the hearts of so very many. I bow in reference, Infinitely Grateful. NAMASTE EVERY DAY!

  3. I have been so greatly inspired by his words and light on yoga. His legacy will continue forever through teachers and students. Rest in peace.

  4. Sara Kleinsmith

    For me, this puts lineage and legacy into perspective. I feel grateful to be a part of a community that is as much about tradition as it is about creativity and translation. I’m thankful for and humbled by his teachings.
    May he rest in Peace.

  5. What a loss for the yoga community. We are lucky that we can still connect with him through his books and teachings. We need yoga now more than ever, let us resolve to work harder as teachers- that would be the best tribute. Rest in peace.

  6. My first inspiration to yoga. You will always be with us guruji. Hoping that your family will continue on with your teachings.

  7. Thank you for the opportunity to comment. I felt the loss of Pattabhi Jois, it still feels recent. Mr Iyengar now. Very moved by the news of his passing and it did occur to me that there is maybe some kind of power vacuum, if that is an appropriate term. By which I mean, who is holding the light? Who is the Living Master of yoga? There are powerful yoga acharya’s in other traditions, such as Swami Dayananda and Sri Sri Ravi Shankar and Ammaji. Different paths but also yoga. Mr Iyengar’s legacy is profound and penetrates everywhere. Honestly, when I think of all the yoga teachers in my community, who has not been touched by his work and teachings, directly or indirectly? His yoga now lives in us, we have to step up and be confident in what we have received and are now privileged to share, to support others in their awakening and pursuit of freedom. Acharya devo bhava.

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