Breath-Centered Yoga Therapeutics: A Four Day Immersion in Southern California

YATMI’m excited about my upcoming return to Laguna Niguel’s beautiful You and the Mat studio for a four day immersion in my favorite topic: Breath-Centered Therapeutics. The 4- day series of workshops take place from May 20-23, and will feature a clinical observation day.

Sunday’s session will be Respiratory Yoga Therapeutics: Clinical Observation – offering a rare glimpse into what happens in a private therapeutic yoga session. Through observation, questions, discussion and exchange I will demonstrate the principles of how to customize yoga practices, read the body to identify patterns of holding and tension, offer hands-on assists from an anatomically-informed breath-centered perspective, and explore yoga philosophy with anatomical understanding of the human system.

Three guest clients will have a unique opportunity to work one-on-one with me on specific respiratory issues to build awareness of their particular pattern of holding tension and receive support and encouragement from a group of people interested in their wellness.

I’m inviting you to help us find great clinic guests.

Do you have a challenging client or student or know someone (even yourself!) who could use this kind of breathing help? The person need not be a yoga practitioner, but should be experiencing some kind of breathing disorder or challenge. The time commitment is 1-2 hours on Sunday May 22, 2016.

Please invite anyone you think is appropriate to complete a clinic guest intake form. The deadline for submission is Sunday May 15 at midnight. We will be emailing all who have submitted an application by Tuesday May 17 informing them whether they are on the schedule.

Help us get the word out!   Thanks.

2 thoughts on “Breath-Centered Yoga Therapeutics: A Four Day Immersion in Southern California”

  1. Hi , I am a beginning yoga teacher .. My teacher training did not cover much anatomy and am thinking about doing the workshop in Laguna
    and was wondering if it was a good choice for
    someone not know much anatomy for yoga or if it’s to advanced please lmk ASAP very interested in this course Thank you Tina Klein

  2. Hello Tina, Please join us in Laguna! Leslie teaches concepts from the ground up and leaves plenty of room for exploration, questions and discussion. If you are feeling a little uncertain, we encourage you to get a copy of The Anatomy Coloring Book by Wynn Kapit and Lawrence M. Elson for reference. Leslie works very hard to bring advanced practitioners back to a beginner’s mind, so you’ll be ahead of the game! Hope to meet you next week, Lydia (and Leslie)

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