Block of Discounted Tickets Now Available for November 16th NYC Benefit!

Thanks to the generosity of a number of donors, we are very pleased to offer a limited number of discounted tickets to our Gala Fundraiser on November 16th, featuring a special concert with Krishna Das and David Hykes. The discounted price is $150. – one hundred dollars off the full price. The evening includes an open bar, hors d’oeuvres, a silent and live celebrity auction and the concert.

I have confirmed that the top items in the celebrity auction are a tea for four hosted by Gwyneth Paltrow in her home, and a personally autographed guitar from Chris Martin.

Click this link to access the benefit order form
. Be sure to indicate the discount on the form.
Corporate sponsorship for this event generously provided by yelo, the world’s first and only “wellnest” service.

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