Leslie Kaminoff is a best-selling author and yoga educator.

He has over 40 years experience specializing in the individualized application of breath-centered, inquiry based practice.


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Latest eSutra blog entries

  • Fall travel and teaching is back…and so is my OM!
    Fall has always been my favorite time of year. Here in New York, in the northeastern United States, summer is notoriously hazy, sticky, humid and stinky. A crispness emerges in the air just past August, making it far more pleasurable to simply breathe, and it feels amazing to enjoy my lungs in this way. Particularly following my first (and worst) experience with COVID-19 in February and March 2020, enjoying my lungs was definitely not the case. Long COVID symptoms continued… Read more: Fall travel and teaching is back…and so is my OM!
  • This is my job now.
    I have been composing this message in my head for a while now, but before I worked out any of the details, I did have a solid grasp of the title: “This is my job now.” At least, that’s what I keep hearing in my head every time I return to the challenging, complex work of building my new web platform at BreathingProject.com. It’s been a real stretch for me, not to mention a shift in identity. My skill sets… Read more: This is my job now.
  • Announcing a huge launch: The Breathing Project online community!
    Today marks a major evolution to my 43-year career as a yoga educator. I am officially launching the beta* version of a brand-new online community at BreathingProject.com. I’ve created this platform for anyone with a deep interest in yoga, and especially for those who work one-on-one with other people. Please read this entire message, as it contains vital information regarding this brand-new offering. Over the past 40+ years I’ve been doing this work, it has taken many forms, from private… Read more: Announcing a huge launch: The Breathing Project online community!
  • Community Q&A Forum: General Questions for Leslie
    USE THIS MODERATED PAGE TO SHARE QUESTIONS, COMMENTS AND IDEAS WITH LESLIE ABOUT Material ON BREATHINGPROJECT.COM. When posting, please designate which video you are referring to by copying and pasting into your comment a hashtagged version of the title of the workshop video you are referring to (eg: #New Harmony – Day 2 Afternoon Session). By hashtagging your contribution, we will generate an easily searchable database of our comment threads.
  • Community Q&A Forum about one-on-one Sessions
    USE THIS MODERATED PAGE to share QUESTIONS, COMMENTS AND IDEAS WITH LESLIE ABOUT THE “One-on-One sessions” ON BREATHINGPROJECT.COM. This content takes a deep dive into the theory and practice of how experienced yoga educators teach individual sessions. When posting, please designate which video you are referring to. Include a hashtag of the session title you are referencing (eg: #Basic Breath Work for Trauma). By hashtagging your contribution, we will generate an easily searchable database of our comment threads.
  • Community Q&A Forum about Workshops
    USE THIS MODERATED PAGE TO SHARE QUESTIONS, COMMENTS AND IDEAS WITH LESLIE ABOUT “Workshops” ON BREATHINGPROJECT.COM. When posting, please designate which video you are referring to by copying and pasting into your comment a hashtagged version of the title of the workshop video you are referring to (eg: #New Harmony – Day 2 Afternoon Session). By hashtagging your contribution, we will generate an easily searchable database of our comment threads.
Leslie teaching with students dimly visible behind him.

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Leslie standing behind a client, guiding her to a gentler head nod.

Private Sessions with Leslie

Leslie offers one-on-one coaching and learning as well as private yoga and breathing practice sessions, both in-person at his New York City studio, and over Zoom.


Sadie Nardini

Sadie Nardini
Founder of Core Strength Vinyasa Yoga

Quite simply put, Leslie’s a true yogi-genius, and a pioneer in his field. 
He gets right down to the core concepts you absolutely must know to be a truly effective teacher or student of mind/body movement. Leslie couples his immense knowledge with a refreshing ability to translate complex information into real-world terms and give us instantly applicable tools that make the world of anatomy, yoga and breath something we can deeply experience and understand
I count him as one of my most formative teachers, and each time I leave his classroom, my worldview (and body!) has been shifted in the most powerful ways. Run, don’t walk, to his next session.

Gary Kraftsow

Gary Kraftsow
Founder, American Viniyoga Institute

When I wanted to upgrade the anatomy portion of our trainings, I turned to Leslie and Amy. My students love this training. It is the best course of its kind available to teacher trainers today.

Shanda Packard

Shanda Packard
Founder, Harmony Therapeutic Yoga

Leslie does an outstanding job of teaching his students to think for themselves and to question the more “classical” cues we’ve taken for granted as being correct for every body. For those who are looking for rote responses, this can be challenging — it’s so much easier to walk away with a neat “if this, then that” check list than it is to be required to think. But “easier” does not produce “better”, and for some this shift in thinking is more than they’re ready to accept in their first encounter with it. Leslie’s consistent, kind, and thoughtful manner makes this shift attainable when the student’s ready for it.

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