Upcoming Toronto Teachers’ Workshop with Leslie Kaminoff

How to Practice and Teach Individualized, Breath-Centered Yoga in Group Settings

This is a new workshop that I’ve designed especially for my first-ever scheduled visit to Toronto. It promises to be a rich and rewarding learning experience for all of us.

Date: March 30 – April 1, 2007
Time: Friday: 7:15 to 9:15pm
Saturday: 9:30am to 5:00pm
Sunday: 9:30am to 4:00pm

Location: The Yoga Lounge TORONTO

Workshop Description
Breath is life. Breathing brings energy into the body. Breathing is also one of the main ways the body releases toxins. Breathing is essential to all asana practice. In this workshop we will explore asana from the perspective of breath awareness and breath repatterning with an emphasis on how to practice or teach these skills in group settings. All levels of yoga students and yoga teachers will be able to deepen their practice and teaching.

Our weekend includes:

  • Sessions that will be devoted to cultivating increased breath and body awareness. We will emphasize the development of observation skills, both of oneself and others.
  • Practice sessions interspersed with periods of individual focus and partner work, and how to apply the insights gained to group classes.
  • We will discuss the anatomical, philosophical and spiritual basis for Yoga and breath work.
  • We will also explore how to creatively use sound to deepen breath and body awareness.


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