The Science of Yogic Flying!…hopping!…bouncing!…….whatever.

This has always struck me as the absolute height of silliness…especialy the lame “scientific” attempts to quantify its effects on crime reduction and world peace.

Has anyone out there actually done this? If so, are you also young, skinny and male? Don’t get me wrong – it’s a pretty impressive physical feat to be able to hop around in padmasana like that, but what are the chubby people supposed to do? The TM spokesperson claims it’s spiritual advancement that makes it possible, but that seems to overlook some pretty obvious, purely physical prerequisites.

Now, if I saw a 300-pound buddha-like yogic flyer in lotus launching themselves off the floor, then I’d be REALLY impressed.

4 thoughts on “The Science of Yogic Flying!…hopping!…bouncing!…….whatever.”

  1. I’m pretty sure that the Yogic Flying thing is a joke. A quick search on google produced evidence only of the Maharishi University of Management, whose website does not reference Yogic Flying. You can’t trust everything you see on YouTube! Lots of spoofs on there…

  2. Actually, I take that back! I searched within the MUM site, and there it was – a reference to Yogic Flying!!! I was wr-wr-wrong!!! This is insane! It looks painful! It OUGHT to be a spoof!

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