Call for Articles for new IAYT Publication

The International Association of Yoga Therapists (IAYT) is launching a new publication, Yoga Therapy in Practice (YTIP). This print newsletter will provide the kind of practical ideas that Yoga professionals want: teaching tips, yoga therapy case studies, business advice, interviews, networking support, and more. A free subscription to YTIP is included in IAYT membership.
Our first issue will be produced in September 2005. We are currently seeking brief articles for this issue. Articles for the September issue should be submitted by August 1 to Kelly McGonigal. Articles for later issues may be submitted on an ongoing basis.

What kinds of articles are we looking for?

• Practice recommendations/case studies: Descriptions of practices that a yoga professional has designed for a specific condition/individual, with an explanation of how this practice benefits the condition/individual’s needs. (500-1000 words)
• Professional advice: Practical business advice that reflects Yoga philosophy. (500-1000 words)
• Interviews: Q&A with leaders in the field of Yoga or integrative medicine. (400-700 words)
• Teaching reflections: First-person accounts from yoga teachers/therapists. (400-600 words)
• Training reports: First-person accounts of a specific training program, designed to help other yoga professionals decide whether the program would be helpful for them. (250-500 words)
• Brief research reviews: Summaries of available evidence for yoga as a therapeutic intervention for a specific condition or population (i.e., Yoga and arthritis). These reviews should be clear, concise, and current, and provide full documentation of sources. (Length will vary by topic and available research.)
• Media reviews: Books/DVDs/Videos/CDs. (200-400 words) Contact us if you would like to be a reviewer, or to recommend a product for review.
• Any other topic that you think will interest Yoga teachers, Yoga therapists, and health care professionals who use Yoga in their practice.

Submitting an Article to YTIP

• Please send your article as a Word Document attachment.
• In the text of your email, provide a brief description of your article, your contact information, and a 2-3 sentence author bio.
• If your article provides factual information or medical claims, please include a list of any referenced books/articles/interviews.
• Let us know whether your article has been published previously (including on the author’s personal web site). YTIP published both original articles and reprints. Authors will be compensated for original, previously unpublished articles.

Advertising in YTIP

YTIP will also accept a limited number of advertisements. Advertised products and services should be directly related to Yoga: i.e., training programs, continued education resources, or business services. For more information about advertising in YTIP, contact Amber.

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