A theme for 2016: Asanas Don’t Have Alignment!

We are fresh back from Yoga Journal Live’s first event of 2016 – an annual gathering at the beautiful San Francisco Hyatt Embarcadero.  The students in my classes – and especially in my full-day Monday immersion were very receptive, engaged and enthusiastic about a major theme for 2016: Asanas Don’t Have Alignment – People Have Alignment.

Between now and March, I am teaching four weekend workshops that will “re-imagine alignment” from this provocative perspective, along with my other breath-centered topics:

February 13-14 we will be at Longwave Yoga in Wilmington, North Carolina, and the following weekend, February 20-21 will find us at Evenflow Yoga in Red Bank, New Jersey.

March 5-6 brings us to Harrisburg, Pennsylvania for a visit to the Om My Yoga Academy, and our much anticipated return visit with our friends at the InsideOut Fitness Co-op in Winter Haven Florida will be March 18-20.  If you or anyone you know is in the vicinity of these upcoming events we’d love to see you there!

To whet your appetite, I’ve attached below a classic excerpt from my anatomy course in which I share a few pointers about how to choose your priorities in building the foundations of alignment for any asana.

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