Leslie Kaminoff travels domestically and internationally offering workshops for Teacher Training programs:
- Just developing your Teacher Training curriculum and looking for the anatomy component?
- Already have your fundamentals covered?
- Looking to complement your TT’s anatomy component with Leslie’s signature brand of Yoga Anatomy?
- Bespoke customization: Leslie is happy to customize workshops to fit your teaching program or interests. If this sounds like something you’re interested in, please contact us to discuss a customized program.
(Not a Teacher Training program? Check out Leslie’s regular workshops page.)
If your Teacher Training program is presently using Leslie’s Fundamentals online course, he offers a number of workshops designed to help deepen, integrate and cement that material. Though these workshops are applicable to most TT programs, we suggest the following sessions to complement specific Fundamentals units:
Breath and Spine: A 3-Dimensional Perspective (Fundamentals Unit 2: The Breath and Unit 4: The Spine)
This sessions looks at breath cueing in asana practice. Typically inhaling is linked to spinal extension (back-bending) and exhaling to spinal flexion (forward-bending). While these standard cues are an ideal way to introduce the idea of connecting breath to movement, there are many other possibilities. This workshop will present a series of explorations that explores those possibilities, opens the breath and spine to new dimensions of freedom, and highlights the unique nature of individual experience in yoga practice.
Bones, Muscles and Structural Diversity (Fundamentals Unit 9: Anatomy in Asana + Vinyasa)
This visually-rich workshop will present a wealth of evidence that confirms the absolute uniqueness of each individual. From the shape of our bones, to the tapestry of our myofascia, we will explore the inner landscape of our singular structure and function through asana and vinyasa. We will explore how each individual has a different experience of basic poses, how to confidently lead a group class while allowing for these differences, and suggest simple breath and alignment modifications that can make practice safer and more effective.
Alignment and Breath Cueing for Individuals in Group Practice (Fundamentals Special Topics for Teachers)
You can’t personally keep every student in your class safe, but you can help them learn how to keep themselves safe. By practicing mindful teaching language, imagery and open-ended pacing, we will explore how students in a class of any size can have a truly individual experience. A variety of strategies will be demonstrated and discussed in the context of a simple practice session.
The Human Foot: Strengthening Strategies On and Off the Mat (Fundamentals Unit 5: The Lower Limbs)
Even a tiny bit of change in something we do a lot of adds up to a tremendous amount of change – and walking is something we do a lot of. This workshop will be based on the basic architecture and function of the human foot, and reveal why everyone in the industrialized world needs to take extra care of their feet. We will review simple, effective techniques for introducing foot awareness strengthening into group practice, and discuss strategies for developing healthier gait habits off the mat.
The Diaphragm: Dispelling Myths and Misconceptions About Yogic Breathing (Fundamentals Unit 2: The Breath)
There is perhaps no structure in the human body whose function is more widely misunderstood than the respiratory diaphragm. The diaphragm has been mislabeled in anatomy books, mislocated in people’s imaginations, and misunderstood in terms of its three-dimensional action. Using a unique blend of props, animation, x-ray footage and imagery, this workshop will leave you with a vastly deeper appreciation of the form and function of this amazing structure. You will never think, feel or talk about breathing the same way afterwards. Be prepared to have some of you basic assumptions about breathing deeply challenged, and find more opportunities for freedom and possibility.
BOS-COG-ROM – How to Build an Asana from the Ground Up (Fundamentals Unit 7: Anatomy in Asana + Asana Philosophy)
Base of Support, Center of Gravity, Range of Motion – this is Leslie’s signature hierarchy of key considerations when consciously constructing a yoga pose. If the base is not stable, there is no foundation upon which to build. If there is no organized center of gravity, there is no efficiency of effort. If the prior two factors are not integrated, the body’s natural range of motion will be compromised. In this lesson, we will learn how to view a variety of poses from this perspective in order to prioritize possible adaptations and adjustments for individual needs.
The Yoga of Sound and Phonetics – Power, Expression, Articulation (Fundamentals Unit 2: The Breath)
For a yoga teacher there is no tool more fundamental than the voice. Understanding how to support and articulate our breath so it becomes a better vehicle for communication is the purpose of this workshop. Using the structure of Sanskrit phonetics as a starting place, we will examine how the voice works, and how the anatomy of the mouth, tongue, pharynx and vocal cords all coordinate to produce sound and speech. Video footage of vocal cords in action, as well as unique MRI recordings of vocal performers will be also be utilized.
The OM workshop – Breath, Resonance, Vibration (Fundamentals Special Topics for Teachers and Extras+ Just for Fun)
Yoga teachers do a considerable amount of OM’ing, but have they ever approached the chanting of OM as a practice in itself? This playful worksop will deconstruct and reassemble everything you thought you knew about this sacred, powerful diphthong. In the process, we will learn a lot about the relaxed use of the breath, the healing power of the exhale, and the efficient use of the entire respiratory system. Your OM will never be the same.
If you would like Leslie to provide his signature 24-hour Yoga Anatomy Workshop, he’ll present a series of topics over four sequential days.
Day 1: Breathing as Shape-Change
The anatomy and pressure mechanics of breathing, the three diaphragms and the thoracic and abdominal muscles.
Day 2: The Spine – Nature’s Masterpiece of Sthira and Sukha
Covers the evolution and anatomy of spinal mechanics, the development of postural support and articular freedom.
Day 3: Our Articular Selves – Limbs of Locomotion and Evolution
Deals with the articular anatomy of the limbs, pelvic and shoulder girdles and explores issues surrounding locomotion and arm support.
Day 4: Hands-On Assisting Lab
In the Hands-On Assisting Lab, Leslie Kaminoff will share teaching techniques he’s developed over the past 34 years of working therapeutically with groups and individuals. Some of the explorations will be:
- Verbal cuing of breath-centered alignment adjustments
- Administering powerful yet safe and gentle hands-on adjustments
- Advanced techniques for breath release, based on Leslie’s unique shape-change model of breath
- Principles of individual modification, adaptation and sequencing
- Shifting teaching language from a form-oriented to a function-oriented foundation
This workshop will involve demonstrations, supervised partner exchanges and group practice of asana and breath.