Podcasts: Clinical Corner

Clinical Corner logo, featuring a smiling Leslie Kaminoff on a bright red background.

The Clinical Corner Podcast offers a free audio conversation between Leslie and other respected practitioners, followed by a members-only video displaying them working together.

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J. Brown hosts one of the most influential Yoga podcasts out there, and Leslie has been a guest on his […]
One of Leslie’s oldest Yoga friends, Larry Payne, Ph.D. joins him to talk about some of their shared background, their […]
Leslie talks with his old friend Ellen Kiley about her history in yoga and bodywork as a person with scoliosis […]
Leslie chats with one of his oldest yoga friends, Gary Kraftsow about their personal and mutual origins in yoga therapeutics. […]
Leslie interviews yoga therapy thought-leader Robin Rothenberg, author of “Restoring Prana.” They discuss key concepts and information relating to healthy […]
Libby Hinsley, P.T. discusses her personal journey into yoga, physical therapy, and her eventual diagnosis with Ehlers-Danlos Hypermobility Syndrome, all […]
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