LK_Lung Tree

with Leslie Kaminoff, Founder of The Breathing Project, co-author of Yoga Anatomy

  • Are you a singer or actor who’s been told to “sing from your diaphragm?”
  • Do you get asthmatic symptoms during allergy season or when you exercise?
  • Do you, or someone you know, suffer from a more serious challenge like COPD?

Leslie Kaminoff, founder of non-profit Breathing Project, Inc. and co-author of the best-selling book Yoga Anatomy can help!

Leslie is offering three educational workshops during which he’ll cover essentials of better breathing, the basics of vocal production and simple techniques for mental clarity. Learn anatomical concepts and practical exercises aimed at making your breathing body more adaptable and resilient.

Leslie will debunk many commonly taught breathing myths, such as:

  • Diaphragmatic breathing is proper breathing;
  • Deep breathing is always good;
  • Shallow breathing is always a problem;
  • Proper breathing expands your belly;
  • Your chest and shoulders shouldn’t move when you inhale.

This program is open to all. No yoga mats or bare feet needed, and chair seating will be available. Join us at the beautiful, immersive environment of WOOM Center, on the Bowery, just south of Houston Street.

Sunday November 4, 2018

All events are from 2:30 to 5:30pm.

WOOM Center, 274 Bowery, 2nd Floor,(bet. Houston & Prince) New York, NY MAP

Thanks to our co-sponsor Woom, we are able to offer these workshops at a discounted sliding scale: $15-$30 per workshop. Tax-deductible donations can be made to The Breathing Project, Inc.


November 4

The Breathing Project, Inc. is an educational non-profit whose mission of community service includes producing and co-sponsoring workshops, immersions, symposia and publications featuring thought leaders from the fields of yoga, anatomy, somatics and other allied fields. Tax-deductible donations can be made to The Breathing Project, Inc.

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